Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Foster Care And Adoption Is More Common Than Not - 1828 Words

Children roam around in schools, at work, on the playground, in the malls, and anywhere else a child would like to be. Young children are often accompanied by an adult, of which one would assume to be their parents or primary caregivers.In 2007 forty-eight million americans had considered adoption. Foster care has a goal, it is to help children in need be safe for the time being and try to reunited these children with their biological parents. Believe it or not foster care and adoption is more common than not. Many myths go around making children dread the system when in all reality the system is a support system there to help those children in need. Once the child is in a placement with a foster family, their ultimate goal is to provide the child in a safe, loving, nurturing environment until then can be reunified with their parents. These children get use to their foster family, some even grow rather fond of them and are attached, is it right to take away the only family they have ever really truly known? This can cause emotional arousal and distress on the child and the foster family. There are many people in the world who for some reason do have have the ability to have children. This does not mean they should not be a parent or that they cannot be a parent. Many of these families consider being foster parents or even adopting children so they can experience parenthood. Not everyone is meant to be a foster parents, although it is relatively easy to become a fosterShow MoreRelatedChildren Aging Out Of The Foster Care System1615 Words   |  7 Pagesand left to survive in foster care for an undefined period of time. Think about lingering within the system for years and suddenly loosing any kind of aid at the age of eighteen. This is a reality for thousands of children in America’s foster care system. There are kids that are searching for a home and family -- and many of them never get one. These youths are all hoping and wishing for a permanent place to go back to. The number of children aging out of the foster care system annually is a seriousRead MoreAdo ption Of The American Dream1622 Words   |  7 PagesAdoption in America The American dream is to be successful and create a family; unfortunately some families are not able to create families on their own. A lot of those families will turn to the option of adoption. Adoption is very common now a day in America. Not only do people adopt because they can’t have children, some of the cases of adoption is because a family member adopts a child because the birth parents are unable to provide for them. Another of the cases is when a step parent adoptsRead MoreLGBT Adoption Essay1559 Words   |  7 PagesLGBT Adoption â€Å" There are approximately 100,000 children and/ or adolescents who are in the Child Welfare System waiting to be put into foster care or be adopted† (Kreisher). The number of children living with 1 Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, or Transgender (LGBT) parent today ranges from six to fourteen million children or adolescents. Adoption is to take into one’s family legally and raise as one’s own child. Although adoption is first spoken of in the Bible, the first recorded adoption takes placeRead MoreEffects Of Being A Foster Child1155 Words   |  5 PagesEffects of Being a Foster Child 1 Effects of Being a Foster Child Ashleigh Martinez Arapahoe Community College â€Æ' Effects of Being a Foster Child 2 Abstract Foster care is designed to be a temporary living situation until a permanent home is available. Although there are positives of foster care, there can be negatives as well. It is important to be cognizant of both in order to prevent the potential harmful outcomes of foster care, and to make it a more beneficial experienceRead MoreGay Adoption : Discrimination Against Gay1626 Words   |  7 Pages105 Tuesday, Thursday 8-9:20 a.m. Gay Adoption Introduction Attention getter: Discrimination against gay men and lesbian women has been socially recognized for hundreds of years and still continues today. Homosexuals have adopted children for many years, regardless of fear and prejudice. The controversy of this matter is why homosexuals are not presented the equal fairness of the process and open opportunity as heterosexual couples who seek to adopt or foster children. There is a certain extent toRead MoreAdoption Is A Non Genetic919 Words   |  4 Pagesand trying to erase it—it does not erase! Genetics and union may just seem like two words. However, they have something in common—both are relationships between people. A genetic relationship would include brothers, sisters, moms, and dads. Nothing can ever erase that relationship, because it is genetic. Union is a non-genetic, heartwarming, relationship, such as adoption. There are many reasons people feel the want or need to adopt. Infertility is one of the many reasons. People have reportedRead MoreThe Adoption Of The United States1310 Words   |  6 Pages Before the 1970’s adoption between race was not popular. Then suddenly there was a shortage of Caucasian babies and parents trying to adopt had to look elsewhere. Many factors took place for the shortage to happen including the legalization of abortion in 1973, the increased use of contraceptives, and the changing social attitudes that led more unmarried white women to keep their children rather than give them up for adoption (â€Å"Adoption†). In 1994 Congress passed the Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA)Read MoreAdoption Of Single Parent Households1150 Words   |  5 Pagesamount of single-parent families has been steadily increasing in the past few decades. If single-parent households are becoming part of the norm, then why are adoptions by single men and women still facing so much scrutiny? This is a countless amount of people who are trying to adopt as a single parent that are being overlooked by the adoption agencies in favor of married couples. On top of this, sin gle parents that are trying to adopt are faced with scrutiny from society. Singles trying to adopt willRead MoreSynthesis Essays1243 Words   |  5 PagesGay/Lesbian Families Adoption is an extremely sensitive subject,(insert dash) especially for individuals who are Gay or Lesbian. There is much controversy on the topic. There are a variety of ways to which it isn’t possible for a couple to adopt. Infertility is becoming a greater problem in our time. In Gerald P. Mallon’s article, â€Å"Assessing Lesbian and Gay Prospective Foster and Adoptive Families: A Focus on the Home Study Process,† in 2007. He introduces a few different ways gay men and lesbianRead MoreAdoption And Foster Care Act1740 Words   |  7 Pages-Mary (a girl in foster care). Adoption and foster care is used as a solution to a child not having an adequate home, but because of its many issues, the child is put into an unfavorable position and left with an uncertain future. Foster care is when a child is placed into a home and waits for a family to adopt them. Adoption is the act of taking legal responsibility of a child and to protect them . On paper, it sounds li kes like an act of kindness, but adoption and foster care has many issues tied

Monday, December 9, 2019

Commentary on Adrian Henris Tonight at Noon Essay Example For Students

Commentary on Adrian Henris Tonight at Noon Essay Tonight at noon is a poem that contradicts itself from the title right up to the ending using much of general knowledge and just meandering the reality around, to create absurdity in the poem. Henri has used paradox throughout the whole poem swapping everything he mentions around. He starts using this practice since the title, Tonight at Noon as it is impossible because noon cant ever be at night as it is during midday. The words tonight at noon can be seen at least once per stanza, which shows repetition throughout the poetry. The repetition of the title is effective as Henri keeps on showing that he is constantly contradicting himself. This poem actually has no set arrangement to it, and it seems to run like a river, all soft and smooth. There is no real structure for it except for the fact that it continues on from each other. The idiom used in this poem is effortless to comprehend. There is not complex diction used in this poem, which shows that it has been targeted to a wider assembly of audience, most probable to be from the middle class. The ideas used are very simple and easy to attach yourself to which reaches Henris goal so that a wider audience has an thoughtful understanding of his poetry. In the last stanza, there is an uncomfortable image being presented when he talks about graveyards with the dead burying people alive. There is also an image of sadness shown on his second last line of the poem, when he says you will tell me you love me. This line is considered as a line with sadness hidden behind it as he is trying to make someone tell him that they love him, as if he is lacking love so he actually has to ask for love himself as no one is essentially enthusiastic to give him their love out of their own free will. Children who are unhappy with their own families are sent to live in homes, and not children from happy families as Henri states in the first stanza. The impossibility of this fact makes this line humorous as everyone knows that this will never happen in real life. Elephants cant tell jokes, whereas humans always tell jokes about elephants. This line is comical as it shows how extreme Henris thoughts are. How can America declare peace on Russia if they never even started a war? This is another example of Henrys comical thoughts. The first daffodils come in spring, and not autumn when the leaves actually fall off trees, downwards. Pigs flying are another of his mad thoughts as you can only find that in fantasy stories. There is no black house for equal rights demonstrations. And white Americans will not even bother about those demonstrations. Here, Henri is just swapping two words around, for low class humour for anyone who doesnt know about a certain white house in America. It is normal to see girls in bikinis bathing under the sun, as they get a tan, but what is the point of moon bathing except if you are planning on stargazing due to the fact that you cant ever possibly get a tan from tanning without sunlight or some sort of UV rays. Art galleries are frequented by an older audience, so if they are closed to people over the age of twenty one, how can these galleries have any source of income at all, considering barely anyone under the age of twenty one actually goes into one of those shows. The purpose of the top twenty is not for poetry, but for hip music, for example pop, rock, and rnb. .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .postImageUrl , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:hover , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:visited , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:active { border:0!important; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:active , .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603 .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ufb5038f10595e9a738e2524943c67603:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Background to Poem EssayThe fact that Henri mentions having poetry in the top twenty is as if he is comparing contemporary poetry to twenty first century music which isnt really comparable as their differences are so widespread. Back alleys are small narrow roads which are dark, and provide teenage lovers a private space to fool around, normally have no sunlight passing through it whatsoever. To conclude, this poem is very comical and serves as a way to get people to laugh, and I find that Henri has attained this very successfully as this poem can make anyone laugh at anytime due to his constant contradicting facts throughout the whole poem.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Smoking Is a Silent Killer Essay Example

Smoking  Is a Silent Killer Essay Smoking  Is a Silent Killer Researchers claim that smoking is detrimental to memory . Prolonged heavy nicotine use has a negative effect on day-to-day memory, according to research. Researchers from five universities asked smokers and non-smokers to rate their long-term memory, for example remembering to send birthday cards. They found that smoking significantly impaired memory, with heavy smokers reporting the most errors. The survey was carried out by teams from Newcastle, Wales, North Umbria, Westminster and Teesside universities. The survey nvolved more than 700 people. Researcher Dr Tom Heffernan, of the human cognitive neuroscience unit at North Umbria University, also tested everyday memory including remembering where people had put things. The teams also took into consideration how much people smoked a heavy smoker was classed as having more than 15 cigarettes a week and alight smoker between one and four cigarettes a week. Dr Heffernan said: The result of the study reveal ed that smokers reported more errors in their long-term memory than non-smokers with an additional ifference between non-smokers and heavy smokers. There was also a significant detrimental effect of cigarette use on everyday memory function. For example a typical heavy smoker reported 22% more memory-related problems than a non smoker and around 12% more problems than those who smoked only relatively a small number of cigarettes It is concluded that chronic, heavy smoking is associated with impairments in everyday memory, although the precise nature of the deficits are as yet unknown.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Human trafficking bibliograph Essays

Human trafficking bibliograph Essays Human trafficking bibliograph Essay Human trafficking bibliograph Essay Annotated Bibliography Abas, M. , Ostrovschi, N. , Prince, M. , Gorceag, V. , Trigub, C. , and Oram, S. (2013). Risk Factors for mental disorders in women survivors of human trafficking: a historical cohort study. BMC Psychiatry. Volume 13. Issue 1. This article addresses the mental state of women who have been trafficked. It speaks of the issues they have as a result of the ordeal they have endured. Some of these mental issues consist of: depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder. Elliot, J. McCartan, K. (2013). The Reality of Trafficked Peoples Access to Technology. Journal of Criminal Law. Volume 77. Issue 3. The research conducted in this article discusses how people who have/are being trafficked may have access to technology such as pcs, cellular phones, and other forms of technology and how these forms of technology may help or hinder them in escaping their situation. It also addresses how technology could assist in responding to trafficking. Feingold, D. (2005). Think Again: Human Trafficking. Foreign Policy. Issue 150. This article outlines the many reasons for human trafficking. It explains how women, men, and children are trafficked and sold for use of slaves. It also explains that this is not a new occurrence, but is an issue that has not been widely addressed in the past. Harvard Law Review. (2013). Counteracting the Bias: The Department of Labors Unique Opportunity to Combat Human Trafficking. Volume 126. Issue 4. This article discusses the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. The act ensures that it will prosecute violators, protect victims, and prevent trafficking. It also discusses human trafficking for uses in the sex trade and for labor purposes. An analysis is conducted in the article to outline the responsibilities of the Department of Homeland Security nd the Department of Justice in regards to human trafficking. Knepper, P. (2013). History Matters: Canadas Contribution to the first Worldwide Study of Human Trafficking. Canadian Journal of Criminology Criminal Justice. Volume 55. Issue 1. This article discusses the history of human trafficking. It explores the first worldwide study conducted on the topic. The study was conducted during the 1920s by the League of Nations and included Canada as one of 28 countries to participate. Oguz, G. (2012). International Cooperation in combating human trafficking in EIJ: evidence from Turkey. Irish Journal of Sociology. Volume 20. Issue 1. This article explains how human trafficking is heavily involved in organized crime across the world. It also focuses on the international factors involved and how the wider international community might be able to play an effective role in helping to tackle Peters, A. (2013). Things that Involve Sex are Just Different: US Anti-Traffcking Law and Policy on the Books, in Their Minds, and in Action. Anthropological Quarterly. Volume 86. Issue 1. This article also discusses the Trafficking Victims Protection Act of 2000. It defines the difference between sex-traffcking and non-sex trafficking. It also analyses the laws that were on the books for human trafficking, laws on human trafficking and its meanings in the minds of legislatures, and laws put into action for human trafficking. Smith-Canoy, H. Smith, C. (2012). Human Trafficking and International Cheap Talk: The Dutch Government and The Island Territories. Journal of Human Rights. Volume 11. Issue 1. This article focuses on the underlying issues of the Netherlands and surrounding countries on the international fght against human trafficking. They have policies against human trafficking, but fail to implement them as proposed.

Saturday, November 23, 2019


The Best IB Chemistry Study Guide and Notes for SL/HL SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips IB Chemistry may not be quite as easy as this penguin makes it seems. So to help you out, I have compiled the best FREE online IB Chemistry Study Guides and Notes into one helpful article. I've organized this IB Chemistry Study Guide using the order laid out in the IB Chemistry Syllabus. How to Use This IB Chemistry Study Guide If there is one specific topic that you need more help with, use the Command + F function on your computer to search this guide for that subject. So, if you hope to read about The Mole Concept, use Command + F to bring up the search function. Type in â€Å"Mole Concept† and it will bring up all of the study materials for The Mole Concept. If you are looking for summary material to help you study for the IB Chemistry papers, check out the Overall Reviews section for great overall study resources. I've listed the notes and guides by topic. You should glance at this article during the school year to help you study for in-class tests and quizzes if you need more assistance or if you struggled to understand certain lectures in your IB Chemistry course. If you want additional help, read our article on the best IB Chemistry books to find additional study resources. You should be learning the material over the course of the school year and not cramming right before the IB Chemistry papers. Want to get better grades and test scores? We can help. PrepScholar Tutors is the world's best tutoring service. We combine world-class expert tutors with our proprietary teaching techniques. Our students have gotten A's on thousands of classes, perfect 5's on AP tests, and ludicrously high SAT Subject Test scores. Whether you need help with science, math, English, social science, or more, we've got you covered. Get better grades today with PrepScholar Tutors. Common Errors IB Chemistry Students Make When Studying Many students struggle with IB Chemistry SL/HL. There are so many subjects to learn, and you cannot fall behind. You need to be learning during the school year in order to ace the IB Chemistry papers. Common errors students make when studying are: #1: Avoiding the topics you didn't fully comprehend in class. If you did not learn it in the classroom, you need to seek additional assistance whether through this IB Chemistry study guide, IB Chemistry books, or through tutoring. #2: Only studying a week or two before the IB Chemistry Exam. There are way too many topics to master in only a week or two (which is why the course is taught over one to two years). So, master the subjects as you learn them in class. Use this study guide if you need more help comprehending the topics you cover in class. Otherwise, you will be as nervous as this kid during the test. Core- 95 hours for SL and HL Both IB Chemistry SL and HL have the same core requirements. They consist of 95 hours and cover the topics listed below. Topic 1: Stoichiometric Relationships- 13.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Mole Concept and Avogadro’s Constant Notes on all of Stoichiometry Stoichiometry Videos and Notes 1.1: Introduction to the particulate nature of matter and chemical change notes 1.2: Mole concept notes 1.3: Reacting masses and volumes notes Topic 2: Atomic Structure- 6 hours for SL and HL Notes on Atomic Theory Atomic Structure Videos and Notes 2.1: Nuclear atom notes 2.2: Electron configuration notes Topic 3: Periodicity- 6 hours for SL and HL Notes on Periodicity Periodicity Videos and Notes 3.1: Periodic table notes 3.2: Periodic trends notes Topic 4: Chemical bonding and structure- 13.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Bonding Bonding Videos and Notes 4.1: Ionic bonding and structure notes 4.2: Covalent bonding notes 4.3: Covalent structures notes 4.4: Intermolecular forces notes 4.5: Metallic bonding notes Topic 5: Energetics/Thermochemistry- 9 hours for SL and HL Notes on Energetics Energetics Videos and Notes 5.1: Measuring energy changes notes 5.2: Hess's Law notes 5.3: Bond enthalpies Topic 6: Chemical Kinetics- 7 hours for SL and HL Notes on Kinetics Kinetics Videos and Notes 6.1: Collision theory and rates of reaction Topic 7: Equilibrium- 4.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Equilibrium Equilibrium Study Guide Equilibrium Videos and Notes 7.1: Equilibrium notes Topic 8: Acids and Bases- 6.5 hours for SL and HL Notes on Acids and Bases Acids and Bases Study Guide Acids and Bases Videos and Notes 8.1: Theory of acids and bases notes 8.2: Properties of acids and bases notes 8.3: The pH scale notes 8.4: Strong and weak acids and bases notes 8.5: Acid deposition notes Topic 9: Redox Processes- 8 hours for SL and HL Oxidation and Reduction Study Guide Redox Processes Videos and Notes 9.1: Oxidation and reduction notes 9.2: Electrochemical cells notes Topic 10: Organic Chemistry- hours for SL and HL Organic Chemistry Study Guide Organic Chemistry Videos and Notes 10.1: Fundamentals of organic chemistry notes 10.2: Functional group chemistry notes Topic : Measurement and Data Processing- 10 hours for SL and HL Spectroscopic Identification of Organic Compounds Study Guide Measurement Videos and Notes .1: Uncertainties and errors in measurements and results notes .2: Graphical techniques notes .3: Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds notes Additional Higher Level (AHL)- 60 hours for HL You will only study the ten topics listed below if you're in IB Chemistry HL; the standard level doesn't cover these topics. Topic 12: Atomic Structure- 2 hours Atomic Structure Study Guide 12.1: Electrons in atoms notes Topic 13: The Periodic Table: Transition Metals- 4 hours Periodic Table Study Guide 13.1: First row d-block elements notes 13.2: Coloured complexes notes Topic 14: Chemical Bonding and Structure- 7 hours Chemical Bonding and Structure Notes 14.1: Covalent bonding and electron domain and molecular geometrics notes 14.2: Hybridization notes Topic 15: Energetics/Thermochemistry- 7 hours Notes on Energetics 15.1: Energy cycles notes 15.2: Entropy and spontaneity notes Topic 16: Chemical Kinetics- 6 hours Videos on Chemical Kinetics 16.1: Rate expression and reaction mechanism notes 16.2: Activation energy notes Okay, you may not get to do this. Topic 17: Equilibrium- 4 hours Notes on Equilibrium 17.1: Equilibrium law notes Topic 18: Acids and Bases- 10 hours Notes on Acids and Bases 18.1: Lewis acids and bases notes 18.2: Calculations involving acids and bases notes 18.3: pH curves notes Topic 19: Redox Processes- 6 hours Notes on Oxidation and Reduction 19.1: Electrochemical cells notes Topic 20: Organic Chemistry- 12 hours Notes on Stereoisomerism 20.1: Types of organic reactions notes 20.2: Synthetic routes notes 20.3: Stereoisomerism Topic 21: Measurement and Analysis- 2 hours Videos on Measurement and Data Processing 21.1: Spectroscopic identification of organic compounds notes Option- 15 hours for SL and 25 hours for HL Unfortunately, there are no free online study guides for the options, but look at our article on IB Chemistry books to find books that review the options topics. Overall IB Chemistry Reviews IB Chemistry HL 31 Common Mistakes: Richard Thornley, the author of this video, has several other helpful videos on IB Chemistry SL and HL available for free on YouTube IB Chemistry Web: This site goes over the syllabus in-depth and explains key definitions and facts you need to know. What’s Next? Want more of a review of what you'll learn in IB Chemistry? Then check out our in-depth guide to the IB Chemistry syllabus: SL and HL and our tips on balancing chemical equations. A prep book can be an extremely useful study tool. Learn which are the best IB Chemistry textbooks by reading our guide. How much do you know about the chemical properties of everyday things? Discover how to use muriatic acid to remove rust from your pots and pans and the effect of adding and removing certain ingredients to create the ultimate slime. Are you hoping to squeeze in some extra IB classes? Learn about the IB courses offered online. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tourisme in Dubai Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tourisme in Dubai - Essay Example In fact, the author quotes that, â€Å"Decisions about tourism were made against a background of falling oil production and a keen sense of the urgency of economic diversity (Henderson 91).† The source relates the growth in tourism in Dubai to heavy investment and extensive marketing. Ultimately, the source discusses the factors, which promote tourism in Dubai and the challenges that might hinder future tourism in Dubai. The article is an effective source of information in studying tourism in Dubai. Indeed, the source is authoritative since it resides in an international journal, International Journal of Tourism Research. As such, the information contained therein is internationally accepted and applicable in research. Moreover, the source uses a simple, international language, which is understandable at my basic level of expertise. At the same time, the information contained in the source addresses tourism in Dubai, which is relevant to the research topic and the thesis statement. Actually, the source quotes that, â€Å"As such, Dubai merits examination and this paper explores the pattern of development there and its underlying dynamics within the context of factors that are critical to destination development and barriers obstructing such a process (Henderson 87)†. Furthermore, the source presents historical and factual data in addressing tourism in Dubai. Notably, the source details information up to 2006 (Henderson 89). Although 2006 may not reflect the current tourism situation in Dubai, the information is true and reasonable for this study. Moreover, the author, Joan C. Henderson is a well-known academician. Indeed, the author derives authority as she works for internationally known schools, Nanyang Business School and Nanyang Technological University as an Associate Professor. Moreover, the author has written other academic books. She holds a Master’s degree in Tourism and has done various researches on Tourism. As such, we can rely on her

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Medical negligence litigation Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Medical negligence litigation - Case Study Example (Garfield, 3) In assessing the patient's sufficiency to understand, the court considers whether the patient believes it and is capable of "weighing it in the balance to arrive at choice" as stated in the case of Re C (Adult: Refusal of Treatment)] [2002] All ER 449. Since the scenario involves Charles, a minor, it is important to discuss consent to treatment in relation to minors. Minors under the age of 18 are divided into three categories for the purpose of deciding their capacity. This is guided under section 8 of the Family Law Reform Act 1969. (Garfield, 7) In the scenario involving Charles, a young boy who initially injured himself falling from a climbing frame at the local park, Charles is subjected to multiple medical treatments. His parents believe they may not have been completely necessary based on the advice of a nurse. Each decision by Dr. Green will be discussed as well as the likeliness of a successful claim against Dr. Green in the tort of negligence. Lord Winfield suggests that: "Negligence as a tort is a breach of a legal duty to take care, which results in damage undesired by the defendant to the plaintiff". (Rogers, 134) Not every act of carelessness which causes harm leads to legal liability and compensation for the claimant. The following elements must be established: (i) legal duty to take care; (ii) breach of that duty; (iii) damage resulting from that breach caused injury complained of which would have otherwise been avoided (as long as it is not too remote). (Garfield, 10) Initially, the issue of owing a duty of care arises in the case of Donoghue v Stevenson [1932], where Lord Atkin established the 'neighbour' principle, which states that: "you must take reasonable care to avoid acts or omissions which you can reasonably foresee would be likely to injure your neighbour". (Donoghue v Stevenson [1932] AC 562, at 580) A doctor owes a general duty of care to his patients; however, the extent of the duty owed (standard of c are) is determined by the actual position held by the doctor within the unit in which he practices. (Rogers, 248) The first question to be decided upon is the type and level of duty owed by a doctor. Firstly, doctors are judged by their specialty, for example a neurologist would be expected to show the skills of a neurologist and not that of a neurosurgeon. (Garfield, 10) Second, they are judged by grade and not by seniority. Third, doctors are judged by only what they "ought to know but also by what they actually know". (Garfield, 10) For example, if a registrar does in fact have specialist knowledge but fails to use it, he or she may be liable where other registrars only have average knowledge. (Garfield, 10) Based on the facts, Dr. Green works in the Casualty Department at Wellington Hospital, which is where Charles was brought in immediately after his fall. Dr. Green's initial action of giving a sedative to Charles and sending him for an X-ray of his right knee (as this is where Charles had indicated the pain was focused), seems to fulfill the standard of care owed by a doctor to his patient. Since Dr. Green was the apparent doctor on duty, he would seemingly owe a relatively high standard of care to any of the patients which are brought in to the Casualty Depa

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Medieval Universities Essay Example for Free

Medieval Universities Essay The English universities were one of the most significant creations of Medieval England. The scholars who attended eitherOxford or Cambridge Universities set an intellectual standard that contrasted markedly with the norm of Medieval England. Oxford University came into being some 20 years before Cambridge University. The church had a major impact at Oxford. The town came within the diocese of Lincoln, yet Oxford had its own archdeaconry. It was the input of the church that led to the first recorded student/university authority clash at Oxford. The universities led to major growth in both Oxford and Cambridge as towns and both became important centres. No-one is quite sure why Oxford was chosen as the town for England’s first university – however, the town had a number of distinct advantages. Oxford was the centre of communications within its region and both royalty and foreign scholars frequently visited the town. There were also many religious houses/centres around the town and the agricultural land was rich and farming did well at this time. Oxford was considered to be in a civilised part of England – it was near to London and getting to Europe was not necessarily a major journey. Oxford also held strategic importance, which led to the building of a castle there. In 1167, a quarrel between Henry II and Thomas Becket led to a temporary ban on English scholars going to study in France. For whatever reason, scholars and academics gathered in Oxford to continue with their work – fifty of them. As journeying to the university in Paris was not allowed, more scholars and academics arrived in Oxford. Sometime after 1167 Giraldus Cambrensis visited Oxford and started teaching there. He taught three times a day. He took poor students for lectures; he then taught academics from different faculties, and lastly he taught knights and the likes. His clientele became larger than the ‘normal’ monastic or cathedral school. In 1180, Prior Philip of St. Frieswade, Oxford, recorded that a scholar had left his family in York to study at Oxford. Within twelve years, the importance of a good education was clearly having an impact. In 1192, Richard of Devizes wrote â€Å"Oxonia vix suos clericos, non dico satiat, sed sustenat.†| Richard was basically stating that there were so many scholars in Oxford that the town could barely feed them. By 1209, it was estimated that there were 3,000 students in Oxford. It was also in 1209 that students in Oxford started to migrate to Cambridge. This occurred after some students killed a woman in Oxford. At this time, King John and Pope Innocent III were quarrelling over a new Archbishop of Canterbury. Innocent put England under an interdict. With such worries, John had few thoughts for students in Oxford. He gave his permission for the execution of three students in Oxford involved in the woman’s death. However, in the delay that took pace, the students fled to Reading, Cambridge of Paris. Others followed to Cambridge and by 1284, Peterhouse College was founded. Unlike the great university of its time – the university in Paris – Oxford was not connected to either a cathedral or a religious house. The Sorbonne was supervised by ecclesiastical men while Oxford was supervised by masters, though these were usually in holy orders. Regardless of this, Oxford developed with a degree of practical independence. By the end of what is considered to be Medieval England, the following colleges had been created at Oxford – University College, Balliol, Merton and Exeter. In Cambridge, Peterhouse College was created. Student life in both towns was to transform Oxford and Cambridge. The lifestyle of the students was to frequently bring both universities into conflict with the church.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Quarks :: essays research papers fc

Quarks   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quarks- any group of subatomic particles believed to be among the basic components if matter   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quarks are believed to be the fundamental constituents of matter, and have no apparent structure. They are the particles that make up protons and neutrons, which make up the nucleus of atoms. Also, particles that interact by means of the strong force, the force that holds parts of the nucleus together, are explained in terms of quarks. Other baryons are explained in terms of quarks(1985 Quarks).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quarks have mass and exhibit spin, the type of intrinsic angular momentum corresponding to rotation around an axis, equal to half the basic quantum mechanical unit of angular momentum, obeying Pauli's exclusion principle. This principle that no two particles having half integral spin can exist in the same quantum state(1985 Quarks).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quarks always occur in combination with other quarks, they never occur alone. Physicists have attempted to knock a single quark free from a group using a particle accelerator, but have failed. Mesons contain a quark and an antiquark, up, down, and strange, while baryons contain three quarks distinguished by flavours. Each has a charge that is a fraction of that of an electron. Up and down quarks make up protons and neutrons, and can be observed in ordinary matter. Strange quarks can be observed in omega-minus and other short lived subatomic particles which play on part in ordinary matter(1985 Quarks).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The interpretation of quarks as physical entities poses two problems. First, sometimes two or three identical quarks have to be in the same quantum state which, because they have to have half integral spin, violates Pauli's exclusion principal. Second, quarks appear to not be able to be separated from the particles they make up. Although the force holding the quarks together is strong it is improbable that it could withstand bombardment from high energy and neutrinions in a particle accelorator(1985 Quarks).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Quantum chromodynamics(QCD) ascribes colours red, green, and blue to quarks and minus-red, minus-green, and minus-blue to antiquarks. Combinations of quarks must contain equal mixtures of colours so that they cancel each other out. Colour involves the exchange of massless particles, gluons. Gluons transfer the forces which bind quarks together. Quarks change colour as they emit and absorb gluons. The exchange of gluons is what maintains the right quark colour distribution. The forces carried by gluons weaken when they are close together , at a distance of about 10-13 cm, about the diameter of a proton, quarks behave as if they were free. This is called asymptomatic freedom(1985 Quarks).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  When one draws the quarks apart the force gets stronger, this is in direct contrast with electromagnetic force which gets weaker with the square of

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Best Buy Essay

Best Buy is one of the world’s largest multinational consumer electronics retailers with stores in Canada, China, United States and Mexico. Richard M. Schulze and Gary Smoliak founded Best Buy in 1966, but it was established as a company in 1983. The company’s stores offer video products, audio products, musical instruments, mobile electronics, home & office products, and networking equipment as well; it also provides service contracts, warranties and repair services; therefore, it operates as a retail store, online retail and call center. Best buy has been facing the increase in competition from online retailers and discount stores however the company has been reorganizing its e-commerce offerings and making other site upgrades. An effective communication is important for managers in the organization so that they can perform their jobs and responsibilities. A manager would need the basic functions of management that are planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Customers turn to Best Buy for purchases and answers to their technology questions; this company gives their clients the opportunity to communicate, learn with all different benefits that Best Buy has to offer. Today, we have become more dependent on technology. We live in a society that is called â€Å"technologically civilized†, meaning that every small work we do, is technology dependent. Every person is carrying a device or gadget that is technically advanced. Ultimately we can say that in this technical world of today, we are much dependent on technology. Gadgets make it easier for communication to take place when someone needs to reach out to other people in different countries. We also use technology to work, purchase things online and basically do almost everything. As a company, Best Buy strives to reach out to their local community to provide new and creative programs to serve the community. Best Buy will train their employees to educate shoppers on hand held devices and walk them through purchase and activation. In the customer support section, shoppers can ask Best Buy employees what they can do when something goes wrong with a hand held device, as when the screen breaks. Marketing strategic plans Best Buy is one of the largest specialty retailers in the United States. It is the 10th largest online retailer in the U.S and Canada and it is also number one in customer service. All employees are committed to helping deliver the technology solutions that provide knowledge, values, and ideas whether online, via mobile device or in stores. It also provides variety of services which makes them one of the leading retail and consumer merchandise companies. With each visit, Best Buy offers the customers an inviting and inspiring experience. Best Buy sets high-quality standards of communication and uses different marketing strategies to reach the public. It appeals to a diverse public and makes sure whoever enters their stores, feels comfortable enough to approach one of our employees when they need help. Best Buy’s communication aims to build a reputation with best quality brand and service. Best Buy sells a wide variety of products that appeal to all ages and gender types. They are an electronic store that sells DVDs, CDs, video games, iPod and mp3 music, phones and TVs. There is a music section that appeals to musicians, where you can get music albums and musical instruments. You can find phone sections for those who need or would like to have the latest phones. You can also pick up a computer or laptop for personal use or work. Television lovers have a big section as well. Best Buy has a lot more to offer for the younger audience, there are toys and video games. For the older audience there are appliances, suc h as TVs, home theater systems, car accessories, office supplies and more. Overall Best Buy target audience is not specific due to their variety of products. Best Buy’s  target market is the general consumer; the one that continuously visits their stores and that are satisfied with their product quality. In order to get a hold of their customers, Best Buy mostly advertises the latest phones, such as the Apple iPhone, and Samsung’s Galaxy. Phones are an everyday necessity and Best Buy has made it their main product to advertise. There are seasonal promotions where Best Buy has summer sales for back to school and Christmas sales for the winter. Best Buy takes a hold of their customers by doing this. Customer loyalty is not a problem due to their variety of product. Customer loyalty programs/Customer Service Best Buy has different strategies to keep customers coming back and buying their products. When school is back in session, usually around August 1st they commence their back to school deals on electronics such as laptops, tablets, cameras, phones, TVs and any other sort of devices students need or like to buy, which is their way of getting people’s attention by lowering the prices of their favorite electronics. Best Buy’s slogan on the back to school deal is â€Å"Deal today. Gone tomorrow. Limited quantities.† They have free in-store pick up, which will allow the customers to pick it up at the store, avoiding shipping and delivery charges. Aside from having back to school deals, Best Buy works on developing customer loyalty by having the lower price guarantee, which is finding a lower price and matching it. The way it works is if the customer finds an item at local competitor retail store or Mayor Company online with a lower price than Best Buy, they will do their best to match that price, both in stores and online. It is their way of keeping the customers committed to their stores and to keep them from buying an item at another store. â€Å"Deal of the day† is also a method used to keep customers engaged and to improve customer-driven service quality. Best Buy puts popular items up for sale. They have weekly offers, texts alerts and emails to alert you when there’s a sale going on and customers will have the chance to buy quality items at a more reasonable price. When you order online, they have free standard shipping on sale items and no minimum purchase required. These deals improve customer loyalty an d customer satisfaction. Product Quality and prices When you want to buy an electronic, the first place you think of is Best Buy. You look for Best Buy because is a familiar place and you trust that you can get a quality product along with great prices. They have owned up to their image by building up to customer loyalty along with customer satisfaction and customer engagement. With the merging of different operating systems all in one place, Best Buy promises the latest devices and services, knowledgeable employees, impartial advice, competitive prices, ability to shop online as well as in stores and support for the life of the products. In order to keep those promises, Best Buy offers a variety of exclusive services to make the most of the mobile technology. They have upgrade checker, where buyers are able to know whether or not they are eligible for a new phone. They also have a program called â€Å"trade-in† where customers trade in their mobile phone and in return they get a $200 Best Buy gift card. The â€Å"Geek Squad protection† is a service that Best Buy provides from within the store. They have a section with letters written on top spelling out â€Å"Geek Squad† in orange, black and white. Their slogan is, â€Å"Go ahead. Use us.† It covers accidental damage from handling battery replacement to repairing electronics. They also have an app that customers can access the Geek Squad and get protection benefits. Best Buy also offers phone activation and transfer all of your contacts to your new phone. They call it the â€Å"walk out working† program. They can set up your phone as soon as you buy it and will throw in a Bluetooth set up. And to ensure that you get the best service, they offer a Best Buy rewards card. You pay no interest and you are able to earn rewards as long as you use it. As for product prices, best buy has the most popular operating system, all in one store. They sell the Windows Phone, Blackberry products, iPhone products, Android products, Bose electronics, Beats products, and many more. Prices range from $49.00 to $ 399.99 for phones. And that’s including new phones. They put newer phones at a lower price when the customer signs a service contract. The lower prices help lure the customers in the store, resulting in greater revenue. SWOT Best Buy specializes in consumer electronics, home office products, entertainment software and household appliances, therefore is one of the largest specialty retailers, providing a diverse customer service. Best Buy gives a major importance to the Strength, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) that the company may face. Some of the strengths are that it operates more than 1,150 stores in the United States and abroad. Its revenues are $16.26 billion and profit of $651 million. It also leads U.S retailer offering a wide market mix of services in computers, televisions, tablets and cameras. The weaknesses of the company are primary reducing prices to match competitors, it established image as a lower quality retailer and some impacts from the past of class action lawsuit. The opportunities for Best Buy are primarily to grow in sales of mobile phones and tablets, extended store hours, hiring highly trained sales consultants so that they can assist with technical issues, improving inventory management through long term relation with supplier, as well as outsourcing items to China which will lower production costs. The threats that Best Buy encounter are the online and retail competitors. Its current competitors are Staples, Office Depot, Wal-Mart, Costco, Sam’s club and Amazon. Another threat would be the pressure to reduce prices because of the competitors and rising labor wages. Competitors around 5th Ave Store Its competitors around 5th Ave store (between 43rd St and 44th St) are H and B Digital (located on 46th St between 5th Ave and 6th Ave), RadioShack (located on 42nd St between Madison Ave and Park Ave), and Barnetts Computer Warehouse (located on 5th Ave between 38th St and 39th St). Other than these, there are many electronics retailers on 5th Ave within 10 blocks from 36th St to 46th St all of which have its own competitive advantages to survive in this area. For example, RadioShack retails a wide range of products, from cables to cameras. They offer technology products, accessories, mobile devices, and power supplies. Therefore, competition in this area is also intensive, as many competitors that have their own competitive advantages and strengths surround the store. Competitors in general Major competitors for Best Buy CO., Inc. are Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Dell Inc., RadioShack Corp., Target Corp., etc. The leader of this market is Wal-Mart Stores, which has 252.14 billion market capitalizations. Wal-Mart’s strengths are that large scale of operation and word-wide, which is 3,615 stores in all over the world, and low cost performance. RadioShack Corp. also has 4,453 stores in the United States and Puerto Rico, according to its official web site. Therefore, the electronic retailing market has very intensive competition. How Best Buy survives in this competition is that they have their original loyalty program, which is called â€Å"Reward Zone†. With this program, customers get 1 point for every $1 spending on purchase at Best Buy stores and 250 points is going to be $5 reward certificate. They also e-mail customers when the reward certificates are available. The customers print their reward certificates online or access it with Reward Zone mobile app. Overall Appearance Upon walking into a Best Buy, one can notice the effort they go into keeping their store looking presentable at all times. Not much seems out of place when considering the overall appearance and sanitation of the store, with the few exceptions of items out of place because of customers themselves placing merchandise on the wrong shelf when the item is not needed. This is definitely a place where one can feel comfortable shopping because of its clean and organized environment. When it comes to talking about controversies, Best Buy is no stranger to the issue. Connecticut State Attorney General Richard Blumenthal is investigating Best Buy after it was discovered that some locations throughout the country were using a secret website identical to the public website that everyone can access through www.bestbuy.com, to deny customers of the advertised prices when shopping at the locations. Essentially customers would search for deals on their website and decide what they wanted to buy howe ver; when they arrived at the store to buy the item they were denied the price when a store associate would show them a different price on their secret website. The website looked the same as the public one, but only store associates had access to it, with which they could manipulate customers into paying the higher price. It was also found that locations in New Jersey and Ohio were selling used merchandise as new when they would repackage it, as well as not fulfilling customer  rebates. Controversies such as this show an unprecedented market unfairness not often seen with a major U.S. retailer such as Best Buy. One would think a company as big and with so few competitors such as Best Buy would stray away from bad business practices, but the reality is different. Reflections It is interesting how much we, as a collective team, have learned about Best Buy over the course of our many visits, interviews and research. We have come to the conclusion that Best Buy truly is a force to be reckoned with when talking about electronics. From the customer service, their loyalty programs, variety of products, and down to their reasonable prices. As a group we understand the value of these great qualities, and despite the controversies, we stand as loyal customers to this great brand. Best Buy is a great place to shop for electronics. They have several quality brands customers can chose from. Their products are not an issue in this organization, something they should focus is on is their service. New customers walk in and do not immediately know where everything is. In order fix this issue Best Buy should have a staff member that greets the customers and ask if they need any assistance such as help with looking for a certain brand and product, information on current sales and who to speak with in case of any questions on a product. Cleanliness is not a major issue with the stores, but customers sometimes look through the store items and don’t replace them where they belong so staff should improve on their cleanliness and organization of the items. Recently one of our teammates bought a computer to Best Buy, and being an existing customer she expected to receive good service; however she notices that most of the employees did not help each other and there was a long line at the cashier. No one wanted to help until one employee came up to her and asked her if she needed help. He had confessed to her that no one wanted to do anything because the employees found out that they were not receiving commission anymore. There was a lack of communication with employees and with customers. There were a few employees giving the service, the rest were walking around watching the game. Overall, as far as we have come to know Best Buy, we learned that it is a store with a variety of high quality products. Of course it has its flaws, but which business doesn’t? Best Buy does its best to keep their  reputation as the number one retail store, and provides the consumers with their needs and wants. Best Buy is recognized as the number one store for electronics. When you think of buying an electronic, the first store you think of is Best Buy.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Building systems integration for enhanced environmental performance Essay

        Culture & Technology            Architecture is considered as the art that involves designing and the construction of buildings and since Antiquity, the art of architecture has been known to be closely related and associated with history of art (Jaradat, 2012). The reasons why architecture has been closely related to art is that a lot of the public works, such as the religious buildings were constructed with aesthetics in mind in addition to the functionality of the buildings (Jaradat, 2012). The buildings were built with a primary aim of inspiring people and also perfume the function of serving the public. For this reason, the buildings involved the service of various people in the society which included the craftsmen and various artists in the society.             Furthermore, labourers were also part of the teams that took part in the construction of the buildings ensuring that the artistic features and the functionality of the buildings were brought out as required. The interior of the buildings as well as the exteriors of the buildings were used as showcase for the various fine arts paintings, relief sculptures, frieze, and stained glass (Demkin, & American Institute of Architects, 2008). Furthermore, the decorations included various works of art such as the metalwork and the mosaic. It is also to be noted that the development of public buildings also involved visual arts. From the many centuries that have passed, the primary functions of early architecture were to have a consolidation of security and power within the buildings. Furthermore, the aim of the works of architecture was also to make the gods happy (Jaradat, 2012). It was observed that as the society became richer, the functions that were performed by early ar chitecture also became more important in the society.             According to Emmitt, (2013), there have been a lot of technological developments that have taken place over the past years which have led to the transformation of how buildings are constructed. The development in technology has changed the way buildings are designed and the types of buildings that are being constructed across the world. There has been great change in the materials that are being used by the process engineers in the construction of buildings (Emmitt, 2013). The materials being used in construction of buildings have made the work of the process engineers easier than it was before the developments in technology. It has become possible for the process engineers to construct any type of building that they want, primarily because of the type of materials that are currently being used.          While architectures have continued to adopt the ancient designs and styles of buildings, process engineers have been busy embracing changes that have been brought up by developments in technology, as observed by Quatman, & Dhar, (2003). It is observed that over the centuries, what architectures have been doing in the society is relying on the past ancient designs as guidance. A lot of the architectural works have been influenced by ancient designs meaning that architectures have been slow in embracing changes brought about by technological developments. Compared to architectures, process engineers have been in the forefront in embracing technological advancements (Vough, et al., 2013). Process engineers have been able to embrace technological developments through the materials that they use and the equipment used in carrying out the construction works.             Furthermore, Vassigh, & Chandler, (2011) has observed that architecture has continued to remain immune to the forces of transformation as well as progress over the centuries primarily because the profession has not fully embraced the changes and developments in technology. Architectures have continued to make use of the past designs of buildings to gain inspiration for their work (Vassigh, & Chandler, 2011). It has been observed that architects have been slow in embracing the changes brought by developments in technology compared to the master builders who have been able to make use of technology for new development in building and construction. Furthermore, research has shown that master builders have continued to rise up today in ranks from that of being process engineers to being the primary players in construction of buildings (Marsh, 2000). The master builders have taken the duty of identifying the suitable materials for constructions and the suitable design that can match certain materials. Architects have continued to be reserved in developing new models in construction.                A lot of reservation has been made by architects for the purpose of maintaining the ancient culture in construction of buildings. On the other hand, master builders have taken the challenges of experimenting with new ideas on building materials and types of designs in construction (Marcus, 1989). The developments in technology have made it easy for the master builders to become more innovative in designing of buildings and the construction of buildings. The use f technology has enabled master builders to construct buildings that were never there in the past centuries through the use of material that is more durable. The lack of change in the culture of architects of getting inspiration from ancient buildings from time to time has been a contributor to the view that master builders have risen in ranks more than the architects (Chappell, & Willis, 2013).             It has been observed that both in the private and the public sector, the owners and investors in buildings like to ensure that there is accountability in the buildings that they construct. The accountability that is needed is with regard to the materials being used and the quality of building that is being constructed (Jaradat, 2012). To ensure that there is no confusion and that there is total accountability, the process engineers are the ones that take the whole responsibility. The process engineers are tasked with the issue of designing the buildings, allocating the costs and the types of materials that are supposed to be used. Furthermore, the process engineers are the ones that are in the forefront in determining the type of human resource that is need for the completion of the buildings as per the needs of the owners (Jaradat, 2012).                  Therefore, considering that architects are only concerned with the designing, it becomes impossible for the owners of the buildings to hold the architects accountable in case of anything (Vough, et al., 2013). The lack of accountability on the side of the architects has left6 room for the process engineers to take up the responsibility of being accountable. Therefore, the owners of buildings tend to employ the services of the process engineers in terms of the design and the construction of their buildings, leaving the architects out of the loop (Jaradat, 2012). From the perspective of accountability, it can be noted that process engineers are the ones that rise up to the ranks of master builders as compared to the architects who are left to continue undertaking their role of designing (Chappell, & Willis, 2013).                According to Marsh, (2000), over the years, research has shown that there has been great change in terms of leadership in construction projects. It has been observed that owners of constructions, private and public, both have been observed to employ the services of contractors. The use of contractors to take care of the construction project has led to what is referred to as contractor-led construction, an observati0o made by Rajpatty, (2008). Under the contractor-led construction system, the contractor is at the helm of the construction project and is the one that hires the architects to design the buildings. According to research done, the owners of construction projects feel safe with this type of arrangement where the contractor is at the helm. It provides some form of convenience to the client and offers a one-stop-shop where the client can be able to get everything that is needed to complete their project without having to engage the services of differen t people. Rajpatty, (2008) observes that the contractor-led projects create a single point of control and responsibility within a project in terms of designing o9f the buildings and the construction of the buildings.                  Furthermore, it has been identified that the system whereby the contractor or the process engineer is at the helm, of a construction projects enhances control over costs and the schedule of the project (Chappell, & Willis, 2013). The client is able to monitor the progress of their buildings as it is being constructed and can be able to trace how the costs are incurred in the project. It has also been noted that clients prefer the contractor-led system in building and construction because it is believed to foster some form of collaboration between the contractor and the client (Marcus, 1989). The end result of the collaboration that is fostered Through the use of the contractor-led system is that there is a process that is less adversarial and the construction of very high quality buildings (Marsh, 2000).               It can be noted that indeed the roles of that the architects play has changed a lot and the role that process engineers play. The process engineers have continued to rise in ranks due to the accountability that clients require, and which the architects find difficult to provide (Vough, et al., 2013). Furthermore, it has been noted above that the aspect of control over costs and ensuring collaboration has also been part of the contributing factors that have led to the rise in the ranks of process engineers as compared to the architects who seem to be immune to change.             Furthermore, it has been noted that technology has been a major booster to the rise in ranks of the process engineers in terms of the materials for construction and the equipment used in the construction projects (Chappell, & Willis, 2013). Therefore, the rise in ranks of the process engineers compared to the architects leads to some questions that need to be answered. Are there any impacts that architects bring in the construction of buildings? Is the role of architects becoming obsolete? What need to be done to improve the role played by architects in the construction industry? These are some of the questions that need to be researched to help understand why process engineers have risen in ranks compared to architect. References Chappell, D., & Willis, A. (2013). The Architect in Practice. Chicester: Wiley. Demkin, J. A., & American Institute of Architects. (2008). The architect’s handbook of professional practice. Hoboken: Wiley. Emmitt, S. (2013). Architectural Technology: Research and Practice. New York: Wiley. Jaradat, S. (2012). The Architect’s Role and Interactions in BIM-enabled Projects.Marcus, P. (1989). Building a Construction Contract That Works: The Owner’s Role. Arbitration Journal, 44(1), 3-14. Marsh, P. D. V. (2000). Contracting for engineering and construction projects. Burlington, VT: Gower. Quatman, G. W., & Dhar, R. R. (2003). The Architect’s Guide to Design-Build Services. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons. Rajpatty, S. J. (2008). The Role of the Estimator in Today’s Construction Industry. AACE International Transactions, 1-9. Vassigh, S., & Chandler, J. R. (2011). Building systems integration for enhanced environmental performance. Ft. Lauderdale, FL: J. Ross Pub. Vough, H. C., Teresa Cardador, M. M., Bednar, J. S., Dane, E., & Pratt, M. G. (2013). What clients don’t get about my profession: a model of perceived role-based image discrepancies. Academy Of Management Journal, 56(4), 1050-1080. doi:10.5465/amj.2011.0490 Source document

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Forced Marriages Essays

Forced Marriages Essays Forced Marriages Essay Forced Marriages Essay What tradition, the tradition of forced marriages. It Is an unpleasant tradition of forced marriages, which still sadly, exists in this modern world. This form of pairing, affects mainly the young British Asian girls/women in the I-J. Not only does this happen here, but also in many parts of the world due to tradition that goes back to centuries. The practice of forced marriage was very common amongst the upper classes in Europe until the asses, but Is still a growing problem around the world. Forced marriages can often be confused with arranged marriages. Arranged marriages defer from forced marriage, as an arranged marriage would be arranged by someone other than the couple getting wedded. A forced marriage is a marriage in which one is married without his or her consent, or against his or her will. This tradition is still practiced in South Asia, the Middle East, and Africa. In most but not all forced marriages, it is the female (rather than the male) who Is the Involuntary spouse. Men and women are still not completely equal In this world, and this upsets me knowing that I am growing up In an unbalanced society where women are constantly being prejudiced against men, which is why I think arced marriages should go into Room 101 . And what is the government actually doing to stop or help young girls being forced into marrying strangers or In some cases their own first cousins? Action must be taken now. The tradition of arranged marriage is central to the social systems of the community, and in particular to the system of honor. : Marriages negotiated by community elders view the union as bringing together two families, rather than two individuals. Forced marriages are generally made because of family pride and the wishes of the parents. In many circumstances, the daughter must do everything the ether tells her to do. The parents would constantly Imprint the Idea that the formally social standing or image Is worsening. This manipulation causes the child to feel that they cannot let the family down, as they fear getting rejected by them. In worst cases, the child or woman would become a victim to mental, physical or sexual abuse in order to keep quiet about the arrangement of marriage. In some instances victims have even been murdered. Many cases involve the person thinking that they are going on a holiday to their home country, but In fact it wont be a holiday at all. They re left abandoned by people who they thought they could trust. They end up facing life with a stranger, living there in distress, misery and hell for the rest of their lives. Because of this, many organizations have been introduced to the victims of forced marriages. It is quite rare that a young woman who has been forced to marry has escaped the marriage, and had returned back home. Because of their experience, they have the urge to want to help the hundreds of girls facing forced marriages. These organizations help, advise and comfort those who are subjected to the forced marriages wince snouts De recognized as a crime. Puddle awareness Ana start become more acknowledged, as there are things such as warning signs which start to follow on a forced marriage, suspicions about parents or suspicions on going on these so-called holidays. But I think the Government needs to tighten in order to prevent this from happening because not much is known about this issue. It is a crime against humanity. We all know how religion and old traditions oppresses women in the most degrading and the most outrageous forms. Dont you think it is about time to do something to ensure a womens well being? Dont you think it is about time to CRIMINALS any arced marriages? We have paid respect to ancient tradition for so long and ignored the rights of the children and women. There is always an argument on any subject. One should not be biased, but in some circumstances, the other side is really not needed. This topic is one of those, as the pros of forced marriage are absolutely, totally unnecessary. Who and for what reason would someone want to agree with this mortifying way of marriage? Well people may be for forced marriages, in order to save their family reputation as they do not want to be humiliated in their community. Following the tradition of forced arraign is the route they take, taking in no concern of their children. Where force is used in marriage, it is generally Justified through an appeal to traditional values the authority and wisdom of parents, the childrens duty of obedience, the honor of the family, respecting the tradition. Few people openly support force in marriage. When it happens, the perpetrators do not say, or for the most part even believe, that they are forcing their children into an unpleasant situation. They do not take account in what they are putting their children through. They say, and usually believe that their rater age, wisdom and experience give them a better understanding of their childrens long term welfare. Parents who push children into forced marriages are often unaware of the family law of this country. They believe they are doing the right thing by choosing the most suitable brides or grooms for their children. Some may have agreements with other families abroad; these may include having agreeing or promising to have the children married while before they are born, or having the two children married in order to bring the spouse into the I-J, or Just to strengthen the families position in the community. Parents who force their children to marry often Justify their behavior as protecting their children, building stronger families and preserving cultural or religious traditions. They do not see anything wrong in their actions. Other cultures view forced marriage as the only valid form of marriage as they may not recognize Western ideas of love and romance. Refusal to go through with a forced marriage has, in the past, been linked to so-called honor crimes. Honor crimes include abduction, imprisonment, physical and emotional abuse, forced abortions and rape, as well as murder. This is an example of such honor rimes linked with family tradition. This case involved Samara Aziza, whose brother and young cousin were given life sentences for her murder. The killing of the bright 25-year old graduate happened in the family home in Southpaw, West London, when her family decided she had to pay for having an affair with a Muslim man, not of her Tamales choosing. As her brother had been led away by police after killing Samara, he had said: There had been a problem with my sister. She does not wish to have an arranged marriage We only allow marriage within the family. My sister wanted to run away from the souse and was stopped. The whole family witnessed the event, and Samaras father had fled to Pakistan, where there is no extradition treaty, to avoid Justice. Her mother had stood by and watched as Samara was stabbed and then pulled back into the house by her hair as she tried to flee the house. Samara was stabbed eighteen times, and her throat was cut three times. The two children of Char Nazi, her 29- year old brother, were so close to the scene of the killing that they were spattered with blood. The children were aged two and four. In many cultures, the women are often looked down on than the males. A Kurdish girl named Dreary had received the order to kill herself from her uncle, via a SMS text message on her cell phone. The message read: Mimi have blackened our name. Kill yourself and clean our shame or we will kill you first. She had been seeing a boy from her school and was caught out by her family. She fled from her family, and she said, In my village and in my fathers tribe, boys are in the sky while girls are treated as if they are under the earth. The other side of the argument can go on forever as there are endless reasons why which forced marriages should go in Room 101 . Forced marriage is not a religious issue; every major faith condemns it and freely given consent is a condition of Christian, Hindu, Muslim and Sikh marriages. Opposing tradition, in Islam, the Prophet Muhammad said: A previously married woman shall not be married without being consulted and a vi rgin shall not be married without her consent. This statement clearly establishes the principle of the females right to choose a marriage partner. Neither the legal guardian nor anyone else can force a female (or male) to marry against his or hers wishes, since Islam emphatically disallows forced arises. Why people still force their children to marry out of their will, even though it is against their religion is the question. Western society and the United Nations view forced marriage as a form of human rights abuse, since it violates the principle of the freedom and independence of individuals. It prevents the person from finishing their education, having a social life (socializing, dating) and having a happy life. Why should someone not have the right to choose their husband or wife whom they will spend the rest of their life with? As the parent constantly tells the child that t is up to them to keep the familys name honorable, once they are married, they feel they have to stay married as they cannot let down the family. If they return home, their parents would usually disown them, so this consequence influences them to stay married even though they are unhappy. Forced marriage can have a serious impact on a person, as their mentality changes due to depression and unhappiness can lead to health problems. The emotional abuse and threatening behavior coming from the family often leads to excessive anxiety, isolation, eating disorders, running away, self-harm or even suicide. When someone has been forced into a marriage and is now living abroad, the in-laws may do everything in their power to prevent the wife or husband running away or contacting their friends or Tamely. I Nils can Involve Pensacola Ana sexual souse, sometimes Imprisonment. In in-laws may even keep the passport of the person so that if they do try to run away, they wont be able to get very far. This case study is a about a woman named Same Ala was forced into a marriage at thirteen years of age. Same had been abandoned by her parents and so she grew up in a childrens home from the age of six months. When she was even; she was told that her family wanted her back, she couldnt wait. However she returned to a dirty house where she was subjected to endless chores. She lived with her brothers and sisters. Apart from her sister Mean, nobody in the family ever spoke to Same unless to bark commands. She suffered abuse from her mother who would punch her back and push her on the kitchen floor. Her mother also tried to cure Same of her stutter, as she pinned her to the floor and cut the skin under her tongue with a razor blade. Her mothers abuse drove Same to unhappiness which made her perform self harm. When her mother told Same about a trip to Pakistan, she was excited as she was to visit Pakistan for the first time, only to discover she wasnt there for a holiday. Instead Same was taken to an isolated village and forced to marry a man in his late twenties called Faze. From the wedding night on, he raped her. Aged Just thirteen, he would rape her repeatedly. Two months later, when she was fourteen she fell pregnant, Just as her mother had intended. Even better, with a son. Like many forced brides, Same had cut herself and taken an overdose to escape her marriage, but now she was a mother, she knew she had to live for her sons sake. When she was seventeen, she escaped from the family to Glasgow. The family was putting pressure on Same to go to Pakistan to bring back her son Faze. When she refused, her brother Mans had threatened her, You are going to Pakistan, even if it is in a body bag. It was then that a family friend, Share All, came to stay. She felt she could confide in him. Share came from a much more liberal family and was horrified by what she told him. At the end of 1987, Share rescued Same and Gamier and took them to Manchester. He had thought he could provide for her and keep her safe, but she wasnt safe. A ewe months later three men were arrested after a random police stop on the outskirts of Manchester. In their van were knives, baseball bats and other weapons. Mans had hired them to bring Gamier back and amazingly, Same, Share and Gamier had moved to a new address that very morning; the kidnappers had only their old address. Same was called to give evidence against her brother. As she saw her mother, she did not want to make any eye-contact as she did not want to show her mother of how scared she was. Mans was sentenced to four years for attempted kidnapping. She became Saguaros wife, whom she had her second hill with. He was the first person to show her affection and understanding since her days in the childrens home. It was a love that encouraged her to get a qualification in tourism she had had no formal education since the age of 12 and a Job at Manchester Airport. Then in 2007 she decided to stand for election to Manchester City Council, and won the biggest ever majority in her ward. Her brothers and sisters still live in Glasgow. They had come to visit her in hospital as she was having a brain tumor removed. But why was Same the only one of her siblings to be abused and Trace Into marriage? En Degas researching, Totally, Logrolling ten truth Tanat nerd uncle in Pakistan had lost a lot of money in gambling and he had promised his creditor a nice English-Pakistani girl as a way to avoid repaying the debt. Her mother wanted to help her brother more than to look after Same. Apart from Mans, Same still has some contact with her siblings, all of whom are married and have children. Although her sisters still believe that you cannot pick your own husband. Her eldest son has chosen his own bride two years older than him, Sarah who Same is very delighted and excited about. Excited about Sarahs choice to have both English and Asian wedding which will be extremely colorful and beautiful. So different from her first marriage into a world where she did not belong. She has transformed her terrifying ordeal into a book called Belonging, in which she describes her traumatic life as a victim of forced marriage. This case is a case which is quite unique and rare as she had the chance to escape, and was able to be saved by her later husband, Share. Not many victims are able to have the same chance of being saved, which is why something must be done to prevent forced marriages from aging place. This short case study is about a girl who was forced in a marriage which later resulted in attempted suicide. A girl was forced by her parents to marry her cousin from their village back home. When they first told her about the idea she made it clear that this was not what she wanted, but they insisted that she do as she was told. She did not feel she could go against her parents wishes as she did not want to hurt them, despite her friends urging her to take a stand. She married her cousin but was desperately unhappy and after two months she attempted suicide. Fortunately a rend found her in time and she was unsuccessful. She remains with her husband, although he treats her badly. She suffers from depression and attends an Asian womens support group following a referral from her GAP. She says she cannot leave her husband as it would bring shame on her family and hurt her parents. Her parents constant pressure to not let them down made it very difficult for her to rebel against the idea of letting them down. Some cases include girls contacting their embassy or high commissions office, which then attempts to rescue the girl and bring them back home. Sometimes it may be difficult as people in the village may hear upon this and pass the message on to the family which then hide the girl. Some may keep the passport to prevent the girl from going back home. The girl then has a choice to make. To either, return home where she can start a new life but she will be rejected from her family, or to be honorable to her parents by returning back to the marriage. This is often an incredibly hard decision to make which can affect the person emotionally. These cases are truly shocking and mortifying, knowing that these women and girls have to o through such experiences makes me feel absolutely sick. Currently, some two hundred cases of forced marriage are reported to the Foreign and Commonwealth Office each year. Many others go unreported. Reading this really upsets me, which strengthens my views on this topic. I would really want to see this sort of thing to stop, dont you? I En Internet Ana meal are congested Walt flews AT Trace marriages. Certainly all would be against the idea, but is this enough to change the law? Many documentaries and foundations have been made to reflect upon the hidden problem in order to raise awareness. Guiding Cards is a writer, broadcaster, and a British-Pakistani and also a neighbor of mine. He appeared in a recent broadcast (1st December 2008) of a BBC 2 documentary called This World: Forced Marriages. I wanted to know about his views on forced marriages so I decided to interview him. He told me that; The idea is that the parents want to keep the families together. So they think the best thing for them is to marry their children to somebody in the same clan, that will keep the family and clan together. And what happens is that when the girl refuses to engage in this activity, they usually runaway so instead of the family being together, the family actually breaks up. I then asked him, what is the solution and how is this going to stop? He responded by saying; Mimi need to declare forced marriages as a criminal activity, we have to criminality it. There is no other option. We have to tell these people who engage in this practice, that this practice has no place in contemporary Britain, that it is in fact a criminal act. You are violating somebody human rights, in some case you may be kidnapping them, and then of course you are forcing them onto a marriage. Author and actor Emmer Slay said: We want the older generations to know that we respect their culture, tradition and we understand that arranged marriages have a place in society. But there is a vast difference between an arranged and a forced marriage Consent. Emmer Slay is a supporter of the Forced Marriage Unit set up in 2000. Their slogan reads, Mimi have the right to choose Use it. Adamant Green is a Conservative home affairs spokesman who said, Forced marriages are a form of domestic vio lence that cannot be Justified on religious or cultural rounds. Crown Prosecution Service of West London sector director Nazi Faze says, Forced marriage is the beginning of the suffering, a wife will be repeatedly raped, assaulted and suffer a lifetime of abuse. There are many views on forced marriages but why would someone back the idea of forced marriages? The elder generation claims that it is the right thing to do as their parents had done the same. As long as the child lives under their roof they will do what they say. But what link is this with religion? There is no link, as it is against religious belief in many religions. People who engage in this act of forced marriage are usually more concerned putting culture/tradition ahead of religion. As long as the family has a good name, they are not prepared to pay the price of their children bringing shame to the family. Government NAS a role to play In all AT tens. But want nave teen done so Tar, Ana what are they prepared to do to prevent forced marriages from undergoing? The Governments forced marriage unit helps around 300 people a year who are forced into a marriage against their will here in the I-J or abroad. Around 15% of the people they help are male. The Foreign Office originally set up the Forced Marriage Unit in 2000. It was re-launched in January last year as a Joint venture with the Home Office with an annual budget of IEEE,OHO. At present, forced marriage is not a specific criminal offence in England and Wales, in the same way that domestic violence is not a specific criminal offence. According to The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act (2007), a consultation paper by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Home Office called Forced Marriage: A Wrong not a Right, seeking views on whether there should be a specific criminal offence of forced marriage. The majority of respondents felt that the disadvantages of creating new criminal legislation would outweigh the advantages and the Government announced it would pursue civil, rather than criminal, legislation. So at present anyone found guilty of forcing someone into marriage can be prosecuted for kidnap, false imprisonment or rape, which are the criminal acts connected to forced marriage. Has anything changed? Has the number of people engaging in forced marriages changed? I feel the message is not being put across to those families who do not understand the full consequences of their actions. They do not realism that it is inhumane to force someone into a marriage in which they will have to live in for the rest of their lives. I think the government should really reconsider making forced marriages illegal. Making it illegal would entitle someone for example a doctor, youth worker, or even a friend eligible, to report the perpetrator to the police after noticing signs of someone becoming a victim. In conclusion, the definition of forced marriages speaks for itself. It has the opposite meaning to an arranged marriage, as one involves the future spouses giving heir full consent, while the other simply does not, and this is when forced marriage takes place. In its many cases, young adults and even children have been taken away by their parents and literally dumped with estranged men, sometimes cousins, along with their family who can be extremely violent towards the victims. For many of these victims, there is no way out as once they are married, an automatic ultimatum has been created for them. To either runaway back to their home and resume their education, but being disowned by their family, or to resume married life to protect and honor your family. Life for the victim can be extremely difficult as emotional pressure would have changed their mentality for the worst, causing them to runaway, perform self harm or to even commit suicide. If this is the outcome for some victims, why isnt anything being done? Why are we as a community, society, letting this happen right under our noses? It could be happening right now, and we could do something to prevent it from worsening, but it isnt that easy. People must be more aware of this problem, not only victims but the parents who engage in it. They need to realism that it is a false practice which has no humane meaning, no respect, and it retainer does not bring honor only shame. Although people claim that they had to also go tongue ten same thing, 010 teen not tank tenure was anything wrong Witt it, why would they want to enforce the same tradition on to their children? Do they think it would make their children happy? Or are they only doing this to make themselves happy? Over the years, society has changed, certainly in the British Asian community, but people are undetermined to move on from their traditions of the past. They must be able to see sense that it is utterly wrong to force someone into a marriage that they dont wish to be apart of. The youth of Asian Britain know that it is wrong and may think it is somewhat disgusting to marry your own cousin. They are aware of the problem, but what if their parents are traditional and expect the same expectations their parents had? We need to get through to them, tell them that a child is precious, and no matter if it is a boy or a girl you should not give them away to a life of unhappiness. Is this what they really want? If I were to ask a traditional parent, not even to start with the subject of forced marriage. If I were to ask, Would you want to see your son/daughter happy?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

6 Ways to Make ATS Work in Your Favor

6 Ways to Make ATS Work in Your Favor Resume screeners, formally called applicant tracking systems, are dreaded by most job seekers. While these robots make life much easier for the hiring manager who is inundated with applications, they are likely the reason you don’t hear back from many jobs for which you apply. When the human element of resume review is removed, your resume becomes purely technical. The good news? Technical means there is a strict set of guidelines by which ATS scan your resume- a set of guidelines you can follow when building your resume. Check out these 6 ways to make ATS work in your favor.1. Stick to a FormatYou’ve probably heard about the three main resume formats: chronological, functional, and hybrid. Each of these formats highlights a different part of a job applicant’s history. For example, the chronological resume, which is the classic resume format, focuses on work experience. The functional and hybrid resumes take some of the focus off of experience and shine it on val uable skills. Which format is best for ATS? Whichever format puts your work history in the best light.2. Introduce YourselfIt sounds pretty obvious, but forgetting to include your name and contact information on your resume could prevent you from getting your dream job. When an applicant tracking system parses your resume (distributes its information into sections), it includes the contact information so the hiring manager can send you an email or give you a call about an interview. Plus, many hiring managers will search ATS by zip code to find applicants who live in the area. So, include your name, phone number, email address, and full home address including zip code.3. Don’t Leave Out DatesOne way ATS work against the job seeker is when they forget to include dates beside their work experience and education. When your resume is parsed by the ATS, it orders your experience and education based on the dates. If you forget to include a date (month and year), that piece of infor mation could be parsed into the wrong section and never seen by the hiring manager.4. Keep it Visually CleanApplying through an ATS is not the time to use fancy fonts or bold designs. Research has actually shown certain fonts and designs (including columns) to parse incorrectly by ATS. Stick to Times New Roman, without columns, to be sure your font and design is not keeping your resume from being seen. When you get an interview, you can let your personality shine through.5. Customize Your KeywordsThis is a big one. After a resume is parsed by the ATS, it is entered into the database with every other application. The hiring manager can then search the database by keywords or skills. These skills will likely be the same top skills mentioned in the job posting. This means that before you apply for each job, you must customize your resume to be sure it includes all relevant keywords. Look for skills used more than once in the job posting and include them naturally into your resume. Be v ery wary of keyword stuffing when adding them more than once.6. Check Your WorkAll it takes is one letter out of place to make your â€Å"marketing† experience turn to â€Å"maketing† and send your resume to the bottom of the metaphorical ATS pile. Check your spelling and grammar, and then check them both again. Ask a friend to read it over one more time to be sure it is perfect. Run your resume through an optimization scanner like Jobscan to find out what keywords and other information is missing.Applicant tracking systems are a little bit like strangers- they are only scary until you get to know them. In fact, they can become your best friend if you learn to accept their secrets and quirks. The tips above will give you a solid foundation with which to build your ATS relationship.This post was written by James Hu, who is the founder and CEO of Jobscan, a tool that helps job seekers land more interviews by comparing one’s resqume against any job description for keywords and match rate.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Gun control Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Gun control - Assignment Example I feel that a more inquisitive process on the history of the buyer should be carried out to make sure that weapons do not land in the hands of malicious people. Guns are used to kill or injure people or animals. Buyers buy guns to protect themselves or threaten potential attackers (Cefrey 29). Weapons should be sold to people who live in dangerous neighborhoods or have threats from family or friends. Guns are dangerous weapons to own as they can push a mere argument, a moment of desperation or a child’s curiosity into a fatal situation. In nutshell guns cause more harm than good. The government should set very high standards for acquiring a gun. It would reduce the crime rates as research has shown that most of the shootings happening in the United States are caused by weapons being in the wrong hands. Therefore, the debate on whether having guns is good for protection or will cause more harm in the long run continues to show that guns are not the solution to protection and home

Friday, November 1, 2019

Bell South Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Bell South - Essay Example This is necessary if companies choose to offer various broadband packages and dial up services. In order to prepare for the new service offerings, Bell South laid off 1,500 managers in 2005. Early in 2006 it merged with AT&T and began realignment of its corporate structure. Positions included in the layoff were in staff support functions. Typically this might include human resource, technical and other ‘behind the scenes’ positions. The company states that the layoff was necessary for it to compete in the broadband market, claiming â€Å"the workforce reductions to save the company $175 million annually† (Duffy, 2005). With roughly 2.5% fewer employees, managers might have been required to reassign those tasks to other employees. Options might be to add one or two additional tasks to full time employees or to increase part time employee hours a bit. An entirely different approach would be to require employees to perform tasks for themselves that support personnel previously performed. Performing support tasks for oneself could require special training. It might also require current services to be streamlined. Bell South has reorganized its corporate structure by separating Residential Markets and Business Markets. Residential markets include small business and residential customers. Customer service, marketing, sales and product development within each unit now work together to provide customer oriented service more quickly. Bell South maintains that such restructuring should â€Å"streamline the process for delivering customer solutions† (PR Newswire, 2006).

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Aircraft Icing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Aircraft Icing - Research Paper Example Icing does not spare any type of aviation. In extreme cold conditions, ice forms naturally. An aircraft, despite its size and shape, has no control over formation of ice over its surface. Deicing and anti-icing treatment helps ward off icing on aircraft surface. But even with these treatments, it is necessary to be on the lookout for sneaky icing to happen unobtrusively. No region in the world can boast of ice-free aviation condition. Icing is not known as the silent killer for nothing. It has taken heavy toll arising from complacency and lack of vigilance. Early in the 1940s when the problem of icing began to get noticed, people in the aviation industry did not view it very seriously. Aviation was not a huge industry then. However, when the industry began to grow in leaps and bounds in the late 1970s, icing problem began to get noticed. Customer base grew. It became a demanding market. It became necessary for flights to be frequent and time adherent. It was then that problems such as icing began to get noticed in the way it should. On 13 January 1982, the Air Florida flight 90 accident at Washington National Airport sounded alarm bells to the lethal hazards of ground icing (William M. Leary). The clear and smooth ice with air pockets that has the lumpy and translucent appearance. The more the accretion, the less the glazed ice takes the form of the wing. This ice is clear and hard to break and is more transparent. Mixed ice Rime ice and clear ice together form the mixed ice. Conditions that cause icing High humidity and the low winter freezing levels are the main causes of icing. The airframe icing are caused when planes are flying through visible cloud, rain and drizzle and the temperature reaches at a point zero or sub zero. The aerodynamic danger The weight of ice on the body of the plane causes accretion; the accretion occurred is asymmetrical that causes higher uncontrollability to the plane and aircraft movements. The visibility in front of the plane is also lost because of the ice. The propeller blades of the plane if iced causes reduction in thrust and may result in danger by causing imbalance to the movements of the plane; surface movement may be cut down because control of the plane may be lost, causing flutter. The antennae of the plane that helps in bridging communication may render ineffective. The speed of the plane may be stalled because its flaps may be extended. Technology of icing detection Anti icing technology The technology is used at a pre icing stage, to avoid ice to shape form on the body of the plane. Various areas of plane are heat up including carburetor heating, prop heating, pilot heating, fuel vent heating, and wind shield heating, etc. Deicing This procedure is used after the icing conditions have engulfed the plane. Surface deicing equipment is to prevent any ice from inhibiting the